Embracing Ambiguity


Ambiguity is the opposite of certainty. The ability to embrace ambiguity includes a willingness to consider undefined interpretations and outcomes, as well as strategies for approaching novel and complex situations. Navigating ambiguity intellectually requires critical thinking skills.

Resources for Teaching Students How to Embrace Ambiguity


Resources for Assessing How Students Embrace Ambiguity

  • Castilleja examples
    • Embracing ambiguity assessment in Castilleja’s leadership rubric
  • Partnership examples

Additional examples

Title of Rubric


Flexibility and adaptability, rubric (Medford High School)

  • Seeks clarification

  • Recognizes changes in environment

  • Shows ability to prioritize

Flexibility and adaptability, rubrics

(Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction)

  • Works effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities

Tolerance of ambiguity  survey

(A. Padilla, NC State University)

  • Comfort with novelty and complexity

  • Conflating ambiguity with insolubility

Books we are reading...

Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing

by Jamie Holmes