Why I Support Castilleja

Cindy Goldberg P'21

Cindy Goldberg and Ken Hirsch met in 2011 at a dinner at Lockey House when their oldest daughters were in middle school. No one knew at the time that they would soon forge a partnership to help shape the next century of women leading and women learning at Castilleja.

Ken Hirsch P'17, '19, '26

Cindy Goldberg and Ken Hirsch met in 2011 at a dinner at Lockey House when their oldest daughters, now college seniors, were in middle school. No one knew at the time that they would soon forge a partnership to help shape the next century of women leading and women learning at Castilleja.

“It was clear that this was an important moment in the history of the school,” Ken explained, “and I knew that serving on the board was an opportunity to give back to this place that was having such a positive impact in so many young girls’ lives.”

Cindy agreed, “I understood that the way for my daughter was paved by people before me, and I wanted to be part of carrying that opportunity forward for other girls.” Then she added, “I also knew in my heart that I wanted to support Castilleja’s mission because it was the right thing to do. We need to level the playing field and give girls this phenomenal start.”  

Within three years, they both doubled down on that initial commitment as Ken was appointed Board Chair and Cindy was appointed as Vice Chair. “Initially, I was worried about the time commitment as I thought about becoming the Chair,” Ken admitted and quickly added, “When I explained that to a close friend, he told me, ‘Everything that really matters takes time.’ It was some of the best advice I’ve ever been given because this really matters.”

Ken and Cindy have been both visionary and strategic partners for some of Castilleja’s highest priorities. When we think about leadership giving, Ken Hirsch and Becky Long stand out as supporters of the tuition assistance program through establishing an endowment. Then when we think about program investments, for instance in our new opportunities for students in computer science, we think about Cindy and Evan Goldberg. 

While many leaders at Castilleja cycle into their roles for a time and then step away, Cindy and Ken have devoted themselves for the long haul. With 16 years of Board service between them, they are now co-chairing the Capital Campaign to modernize the campus to create 21st century learning spaces and have quietly raised over $42M in the past three years.

“The program,” Ken said, pausing for a moment to find the right words, “What can you say? The program is outstanding in every way. The students are supported, challenged, engaged, and inspired. Now, we need to modernize the campus to match the level of the instruction.” Cindy agreed, “Who knows where it could go when these teachers and these students get the reimagined spaces they need? The sky’s the limit.”