Casti Village

Thriving in the Moment

Castilleja has been empowering young women to lead since 1907. With that storied history and a bright future ahead on the new campus, as educators we know our primary role is to prioritize the students in our learning community now. Keeping our students at the center of all we do, as we make decisions about the Casti Village on Spieker Field for Phase 2 of construction, we are guided by three key principles, and we will:

  • Maintain our outstanding program 
  • Focus on the student experience 
  • Celebrate student traditions 

Throughout distance learning during COVID, Castilleja was known far and wide for having provided an intentional, rich, and engaging program, which included new and creative ways to celebrate important milestones and beloved rites of passage. This transition to Casti Village will be handled with the same creativity and care. We know how to stay true to our mission and traditions, and we are excited to share more with you about our plans and priorities. Also remember that throughout this phase, our current facilities will play an important role. The Gunn Administration Building will be repurposed to directly support our program with faculty office spaces; the Chapel Theater will continue to be our primary performance and assembly space; and the Fitness Center will continue to be used for various classes, including dance and fitness, and will still be open for weight training, athletic practices, and competitions.

What We Know Now:

We anticipate that Casti Village will be one story in some areas and two stories in others. It will include:
- Library 
- Makerspace/Robotics Lab
- Fully-Equipped Science Labs and Art Classrooms
- Dining Room 
- Student Gathering Spaces 
- Counseling Offices
- College Counseling Offices 
- Deans’ Offices
- Learning Specialist Center

First page of the PDF file: lab4
First page of the PDF file: lab2
First page of the PDF file: lab
First page of the PDF file: lab3
First page of the PDF file: lab1

These photos—science labs currently in use at the Stevenson School and model classrooms and offices—offer an idea of what we’re envisioning, but they are not exact examples of what we will use.

What We Are Working On:

- Final layout and square footage of Casti Village
- Off-site athletic fields and a pool
- Provide a dedicated space for seniors 
- Specifics of kitchen facilities to prepare lunch on site
- Tech infrastructure 
- Furniture and classroom layout 
- Off-site work space solutions for non-academic administrators and staff 


We Continue to Be Focused On: 

- Ensuring safety at all times 
- Maintaining beloved traditions
- Optimizing learning and community 
- Gathering student input 
- Providing outdoor space

Proposed Casti Village Plan 

First page of the PDF file: ModularLayout1010201

Locations of specific spaces are still subject to change.