Employee-Student Conduct Policy

Castilleja Employee-Student Boundaries Policy 2024-25

Castilleja School all employees (administration, faculty, staff, personnel that support or aid the student health center such as trainers, coaches, or similar) are expected and required to maintain professional relationships with students whether on campus or away from campus. This policy is also equally applicable to medical personnel, volunteers and interns that work with students at the School. 

Some activities may seem innocent from an employee’s perspective, but may be perceived as flirtatious, sexually suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate, from a student’s or parent’s perspective. Because of the trusting nature of the student/teacher relationship, these actions may interfere with an individual student’s progress at the School, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment that is unacceptable. An appropriate educational environment must promote the psychological and emotional well-being of students. Thus, sexually stereotyped insults or demeaning comments constitute prohibited sexual harassment. 

In maintaining professional relationships employees must be diligent to avoid any conduct that is not a professional or appropriate employee/student interaction or could be perceived as such. This policy is not intended to restrict positive and supportive relationships between employees and students, which are appropriate in an educational environment. This policy is intended to restrict and prevent employee/student interactions that could lead to, or may be perceived as, as flirtatious, sexually suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate. Read more...

Reporting Misconduct

Reports of misconduct can be made to the Castilleja administrators below:

Julia Russell Eells
Interim Head of School

Kathy Layendecker
Associate Head of School for Finance and Operations

Peter Hatala
Head of Upper School

Laura Zappas
Head of Middle School

Wendy Cruz
Director of Counseling

Resources for Parents and Guardians: 
RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, provides helpful age-appropriate guidance: